#65 API not working (Duplication glitch!)

2 سال پیش باز شده توسط alex_5678 · 0 دیدگاه

By using the API it is not possible to cancel the releasing of mobs. The Mob gets released but the safari net ist not consumed. So it is possible to duplicate entities.

-> No error in the log -> Worked in older versions -> API ist used as described. It is called but changing the status to canceled only prevents the consumption not the placing of the mob.

By using the API it is not possible to cancel the releasing of mobs. The Mob gets released but the safari net ist not consumed. So it is possible to duplicate entities. -> No error in the log -> Worked in older versions -> API ist used as described. It is called but changing the status to canceled only prevents the consumption not the placing of the mob.
MasterCake ارجاع این مسئله به کامیت 2 سال پیش
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