#64 Release the mob outside the Lord's world, appear in an instant and disappear.

2 سال پیش باز شده توسط huangzhihong · 2 دیدگاه

Release the mob outside the Lord's world, appear in an instant and disappear. After re entering the world, the mob appeared.

Server type: Spigot Server version:1.16.5 MulitWorldPlugins:Multiverse-Core OtherPlungns: WorldGuard,WorldEdit

Release the mob outside the Lord's world, appear in an instant and disappear. After re entering the world, the mob appeared. Server type: Spigot Server version:1.16.5 MulitWorldPlugins:Multiverse-Core OtherPlungns: WorldGuard,WorldEdit
huangzhihong نظر 2 سال پیش

it is not old version

it is not old version
MasterCake نظر 2 سال پیش

What is a Lord World ?

What is a `Lord World` ?
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