#3 Per world permission

otvorené 6 rokov pred užívateľom MasterCake · 1 komentárov
MasterCake okomentoval 6 rokov pred

Adding a permission that allows releasing OR capturing animals in a specific world. Should be toggleable, default: off.

Adding a permission that allows releasing OR capturing animals in a specific world. Should be toggleable, default: off.
Scorpion okomentoval 6 rokov pred

Seems that already exists

Mobs can not be caught in this worlds


  • exampleworld

Or does it mean something like: safarinet.captureworld.worldname?

Seems that already exists # Mobs can not be caught in this worlds disabled-worlds: - exampleworld Or does it mean something like: safarinet.captureworld.worldname?
MasterCake sa odvolal na túto issue z commitu 4 rokov pred
Prihláste sa pre zapojenie do konverzácie.
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