#36 Changing spawner types does not work for every egg

há 4 anos atrás aberto por MasterCake · 0 comentários

It appears that the permission check for the following entities isn't working when trying to change a spawner type:

CaveSpider, Wolf,ZombiePigman, Bee, Donkey, Ghast, ElderGuardian, Endermite, Evoker, Fox, Guardian, Horse, Llama, MagmaCube, Parrot, Pillager, PolarBear, Ravager, Shulker, SilverFish, SkeletonHorse, Squid, TraderLlama, Turtle, Vex, Villager, Vindicator, WanderingTrader, WitherSkeleton, ZombieHorse, ZombieVillager, Cat, Chicken, Pig, Phantom

It appears that the permission check for the following entities isn't working when trying to change a spawner type: ```CaveSpider, Wolf,ZombiePigman, Bee, Donkey, Ghast, ElderGuardian, Endermite, Evoker, Fox, Guardian, Horse, Llama, MagmaCube, Parrot, Pillager, PolarBear, Ravager, Shulker, SilverFish, SkeletonHorse, Squid, TraderLlama, Turtle, Vex, Villager, Vindicator, WanderingTrader, WitherSkeleton, ZombieHorse, ZombieVillager, Cat, Chicken, Pig, Phantom```
MasterCake referenciou este problema num commit há 4 anos atrás
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