#34 Error when clicking with an empty safarinet on the ground

нээсэн 4 жил өмнө by MasterCake · 1 саналууд
MasterCake санал үлдээсэн 4 жил өмнө

https://hastebin.com/emisoyafaq.bash , this happens when i click the ground with an empty egg. SafariNet v1.15.03-SNAPSHOT/Paper version git-Paper-112 (MC: 1.15.2). sometimes animals dont re-spawn. but sometimes they pop out just fine, and still have this error.

https://hastebin.com/emisoyafaq.bash , this happens when i click the ground with an empty egg. SafariNet v1.15.03-SNAPSHOT/Paper version git-Paper-112 (MC: 1.15.2). sometimes animals dont re-spawn. but sometimes they pop out just fine, and still have this error.
MasterCake энэ асуудлыг 4 жил өмнө коммитоос иш татсан болно
MasterCake санал үлдээсэн 4 жил өмнө


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