#29 Towny Support

нээсэн 5 жил өмнө by MidnightSugar · 0 саналууд
MidnightSugar санал үлдээсэн 5 жил өмнө

Add towny support, so people can't net mobs if they don't have access to the itemuse flag in the plot that they are in.

Add towny support, so people can't net mobs if they don't have access to the itemuse flag in the plot that they are in.
Энэ хэлэлцүүлгэнд нэгдэхийн тулт та нэвтэрнэ үү.
Үе шат заахгүй
Хариуцагч байхгүй
1 Оролцогчид
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