#15 Recipes on 1.13.*

Créé il y a 5 ans par MasterCake · 0 commentaires

New Just a heads up that the default config file breaks the plugin for 1.13. I can't craft nets, though I can use the /sn give command to get them. Once I catch a mob, I also can't release them (I get this error: https://pastebin.com/E0hPQHYw ). Plugin Version: 1.13.39

I fixed this by changing "EYE_OF_ENDER" to "ENDER_EYE".


New Just a heads up that the default config file breaks the plugin for 1.13. I can't craft nets, though I can use the /sn give command to get them. Once I catch a mob, I also can't release them (I get this error: https://pastebin.com/E0hPQHYw ). Plugin Version: 1.13.39 I fixed this by changing "EYE_OF_ENDER" to "ENDER_EYE". https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/safarinet-capture-mobs-using-pok%C3%A9balls-paid.79302/page-21#post-3354737
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