- 1.8 through 1.14 Compatibility
- BungeeCord Compatibility
- Support for ModPack Mobs
- Permission Nodes for Spawn Egg Crafting (Reusable and Single-Use Spawn Eggs)
SafariNet supports the following plugins: WorldGuard, GriefPrevention, MyPet, PlotSquared, MythicMob, and Citizens!
- Download the SafariNet plugin here.
- Place the SafariNet.jar file into your server's plugin folder.
- Restart your server (Using the /Reload command is not recommended!)
- safarinet.craft.singleuse - Allows crafting of singleuse eggs
- safarinet.craft.reusable - Allows crafting of reusable eggs
#Safarinet has multiple permissions to control who can catch what mobs.
- safarinet.use - Permission used to allow both release and capturing of mobs.
- safarinet.release.(mob) - Permission to release (mob).
- safarinet.capture.(mob) - Permission to capture (mob).
Safarinet holds 2 more permissions safarinet.releasemob.use and safarinet.capturemob.use.
These 2 permissions can be used instead of safarinet.use to allow everyone to release mobs while allowing only a donator rank(or other) to capture them.
- Similar to permissions there are settings to regulate permissions too.
- To allow everyone to craft eggs regardless of permission set: use-permission-for-crafting: true to false.(Default false)
- per-mob-permissions(Default false) regelates wether permission is required to capture that mob. Setting this to true means you need safarinet.catch.sheep to catch a sheep while keeping/setting it false means those with permission to capture/release(here) to do so regardless of the mob in question.
- To disable a world from egg usages simply add your worlds name to
your world.
Same goes for mobs and names of mobs under "blacklist" and "blacklist-by-name" respectivly.
We've spend extra time making sure every message important to the user is configurable.
This saves us making language files while giving you the option to translate them to your own language.
- In the default config a section is dedicated to every egg type(singleuse/reusable).
- In this section you can alter what recipes(if the egg is enabled) are required to make the respective eggs.
- Since we support 1.8 through 1.14(latest) not all names may work.
- Older versions(1.8-1.12.2) depending on the plugin version they use, may need LEGACY_ to make that item work.
- 1.13-1.14.x support every block/item for their version as they are.

- Main command: /safarinet
- alias: /sn
- Sub command:
- reload Reloads the configurations and recipes.
- recipe (singleuse/reusable) Shows the layout and items required to craft that egg
- give (player) (singleuse/reusable) [amount] *Gives 1 or multiple (egg type) to the (player). Note: Eggs disabled won't work.