#25 Plugin kills my TPS, playercount, times people out and more!

öppnade 4 år sedan av b01w · 0 kommentarer
b01w kommenterad 4 år sedan


Gives me these errors, hangs the server and kicks people out! Great.


Only happened since ive installed this plugin and also the gui when clicking on it gives null errors and also you cant right click with stacks of blocks in your hand when selecting the drops because it closes the GUI! Fantastic...

https://pastebin.com/UdGbDMGT Gives me these errors, hangs the server and kicks people out! Great. https://timings.aikar.co/?id=ca6ca50eb9e9453795b4255332d17ef1 Only happened since ive installed this plugin and also the gui when clicking on it gives null errors and also you cant right click with stacks of blocks in your hand when selecting the drops because it closes the GUI! Fantastic...
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