#10 Memory leak?

5 سال پیش باز شده توسط jere62smi · 1 دیدگاه


Since the implementation of the latest version of DropEdit2, I noticed monstrous performance from there.

Plugin version: 1.1.11-SNAPSHOT

I noticed this in the / timings paste of my server. I can not give you more information because I do not know what your lines are.


Hello, Since the implementation of the latest version of DropEdit2, I noticed monstrous performance from there. Plugin version: 1.1.11-SNAPSHOT I noticed this in the / timings paste of my server. I can not give you more information because I do not know what your lines are. http://prntscr.com/n404fe
MasterCake نظر 5 سال پیش


this is a feature that was indeed recently added, which periodically saves the data. I'll add an option to config.yml in order to make this optional.

Hey, this is a feature that was indeed recently added, which periodically saves the data. I'll add an option to config.yml in order to make this optional.
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