#30 Hide blocks from locked generators

%! (template.HTML=3 năm trước cách đây)đang mở bởi FesterHead · 0 ý kiến

User Story: As a SkyBlock server administrator, I want the ability to configure the plugin to not display the available blocks from a generator that a player has not yet unlocked.

How about a flag in each on the generators like: show-blocks-locked: true/false

When the value is true, the blocks will be shown when the generator is locked. When the value is false, the blocks will not be shown when the generator is locked.

User Story: As a SkyBlock server administrator, I want the ability to configure the plugin to not display the available blocks from a generator that a player has not yet unlocked. How about a flag in each on the generators like: show-blocks-locked: true/false When the value is true, the blocks will be shown when the generator is locked. When the value is false, the blocks will not be shown when the generator is locked.
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