#16 Lag with AdvancedOreGen

Créé il y a 5 ans par Sckaletz · 2 commentaires
Sckaletz a commenté il y a 5 ans

I'm using version 1.6.8 for my 1.8.8 server and it really lags the server badly. Also our timings show AdvancedOreGen at the top with some pretty high numbers. People are completely unable to move with this. Any idea what's wrong?


CustomOreGen worked just fine.

I'm using version 1.6.8 for my 1.8.8 server and it really lags the server badly. Also our timings show AdvancedOreGen at the top with some pretty high numbers. People are completely unable to move with this. Any idea what's wrong? https://timings.aikar.co/?id=2b46b1b9e3894221bad28102274b0a26 CustomOreGen worked just fine.
MasterCake a commenté il y a 5 ans

Thanks, we're already investigating in this issue.

Thanks, we're already investigating in this issue.
MasterCake a référencé ce problème à partir d'un commit il y a 5 ans
MasterCake a référencé ce problème à partir d'un commit il y a 5 ans
MasterCake a commenté il y a 5 ans

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