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Timed ranks are optional(as per configuration)

You can enable this by simply changing use-timed-ranks: false to true in config.yml.

These ranks do not work with all features available in the Settings.yml. These are purely based on time.

MyTimedRankMore: #Rank Name

timeInSeconds: 5000000 #Time in seconds
last-rank: true #Does nothing at this moment
custom-permission: mytimedrankMore.custom.permission #Permission needed to obtain it
no-buy-permission: mytimedrankMore.nobuy.permission #Permission to skip it
display-Name: '&8MyTimedRankMore' #Colored version of the rank name
icon: yellow_wool #Icon for gui displays
icon-no-perm: red_wool #Icon for not being allowed to see it
slot: 12 #Slot to appear in
lore: #Lore to show on the item
  - '&3Time required:&2 {1}'
  - '&3Your time:&4 {0}'
  - '&3Rank Name: {2}'
  - '&3Available: {3}'

With the use of MessageFormat numerical data is used to display placeholders. 0 = the players time online(total as per vanilla) 1 = The time for the rank to be obtainable. 2 = The ranks name 3 = Wether they (by time standards) are allowed to own it.(This does not include outside plugin sources hooking in)