Scorpion edited this page 4 years ago

This section only works using AdvancedBCRanks

SkillAPI is an api mainly used by rpg type plugins.

It support/can support many plugins leaving room for plugins like bcranks to act as a middle man for those plugins.

Currently supported:

  • Skill
  • Mana
  • Attribute
  • Class

Setup: requirements:

 - 'skill:Woodcutting:30:&7[&a✔&7] Have woodcutting level %s:&7[&4✘&7] Have woodcutting level %s &4Now %current%'
 - 'mana:30:&7[&a✔&7] Have %s Mana:&7[&4✘&7]You need %s mana. Currently: %current%'
 - 'class:Elf:&7[&a✔&7] You joined the right class %s:&7[&4✘&7] Be with the class %s'
 - ^ setup for attribute follows class setting, tho no idea what it does.

And that is.

Please note, if you want more out of skillapi let me know what.