Scorpion edited this page 3 years ago

This section is supported by both Free and Premium version of BCRanks

Tracked options:

  • food(returns food level) (returns a number) foodlevel in bcrranksfree
  • exp (Returns exp) (returns a number) explevel in bcranksfree
  • world (Returns the worlds name) (returns a string) Only in advanced
  • health (Returns health) (returns a number) healthlevel in bcranksfree
  • level (Returns level)
  • hunger (Returns hunger level) (returns a float, i.e: 10.0) hungerlevel in bcranksfree
  • time (Returns time of day) (Returns a long) Only in advanced
  • weather (returns weather type) (Returns a string) Only in advanced
  • walk (returns walking speed) (Returns a float)Only in advanced

First example will refer to BCRanksFree.

   - 'explevel:100:has:hasnot'

Advancedbcranks is slightly less strict as to what order you use.

- 'player;hunger;10;You have %s hunger!;You need %s hunger. Currently: %current%'