Việc này sẽ xóa trang "MmoCore"
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This section only works using AdvancedBCRanks
MMOCore is an rpg type plugin perfect for bcranks with rpg style permissions. Its well worth for any RPG server.
Currently not many statistics are tracked by bcranks but if you want 1, just ask and ill add it :)
Currently tracked:
- 'mmocore;mana;20;&7[&a✔&7] Have %s Mana!;&7[&4✘&7] Obtain %s mana &4Now: %current%'
- 'mmocore;level;20;&7[&a✔&7] Aquired level %s!;&7[&4✘&7] Aquire level %s &4Now: %current%'
- 'mmocore;classpoints;100;&7[&a✔&7] Aquired %s Class Points!;&7[&4✘&7] Aquire %s Class Points &4Now: %current%'
- 'mmocore;exp:2000:&7[&a✔&7] Aquired %s Experience!:&7[&4✘&7] Aquire %s Experience &4Now: %current%'
- 'mmocore;friends;2;&7[&a✔&7] Aquired %s Friends! yay!;&7[&4✘&7] Aquire %s Friends &4Now: %current%'
As of BCRanks Version: 1.3.4-MMOCore-v2 you can now include skills related to your MMOCore configurations.
- mmocoreskills;mmocoreskills;woodcutting;30;has;Has Not
- mmocoreskills;mining;20;has;has not
- mmocoreskills;smithing;10;has; has not
I do not own MMOCore, i did not make it either. Any bugs with mmocore can be issued here
Issues setting up bcranks + mmocore can be issued on this wiki. Thanks
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