Scorpion edited this page 4 years ago

Welcome to AdvancedBCRanks and BCRanksFree


BcRanks was and is, a plugin that allows server owners to create ranks and tiers based on things they want players to achieve/perform and complete to be rewarded.

From ranks and simple items to whatever can be performed via commands.

With the addition of placeholderapi as of 1.5.x and more improvements in 1.6.x to the ranks system this has become a much greater achievement. The gui the rank options were all ment to be configurable in however way you see fit.


BCRanksFree is a starting version of the first step towards the original idea but poorly executed, ever since the introduction of 2.x.x of AdvancedBCRanks bcranksfree became free, while the free version does not include plugin support, it is still concidered vastly option and a good stepping stone to the premium version with tons more option.


As said earlier, abcr came about when altering the code base for the plugins original design. The premium version allows normal text, more configurations and even more "requirements" inside each rank and can even depend on other plugins indirectly.

While the options is too vastly to name, reports have been shown to have csgo style ranks, groups of challenges to gain items such as spawners and much more. Timed ranks can be included in this setting aswell.