Default Configuration
Scorpion edited this page 3 years ago
# #######################
# Developer: Scorpion|Neo
# Wiki:
# Part of Spaceio
# Discord:
# #######################
  # true: Enables timed rank system.
  # Requires server restart.
  # Default: false
  use-timed-ranks: false

  # Inventory size Timed ranks.
  # Default 27
  timed-size: 3

  # Amount in seconds for each timed rank check.
  # Default: 300(5 minutes)
  time-check-in-seconds: 300

  # The name for Timed Ranks Gui
  timed-gui-name: Timed Gui

  # This is an experiment! Enable at own risk!
  use-Tiers: true

  # Title for the tier gui
  tier-Title: '&3Tier Gui'

  # Size of the tier gui(1=9 slots 6 = double chest)
  tier-size: 3

  # Title for the Tiered Ranks Gui
  rank-title: '&3BCRanks Gui'

  # Size of the rank gui in rows(1=9 slots 6 = double chest)
  rank-size: 3

  # true: hides all tasks completed.
  # false: keeps everything intact.
  # Default: true
  hide-completed: false

  # Hide completed tasks.
  # Default: false
  hide-complete-single: false

  # Hide Ranks players cannot access yet.
  # Does not hide ranks players already own!
  # Doesnt work with Tiers
  # Default: false
  hide-no-buy: false

  # Format used to display time
  # Days
  time-days: 'Days '

  # Hours
  time-hours: 'Hours '

  # Minutes
  time-minutes: 'm '

  # Seconds
  time-seconds: s

  # Should we enable player Statistics?
  playerstatistics: true

  # Should we enable player Options? i.e: food hunger etc
  player: true

  # Should advancements be enabled?
  useAdvancements: true

  # The Connect Gui is used when both custom & timed ranks are enabled.
  connect-gui-name: Connect Gui

  # Should we check and announce updates to those with permission?
  update-notify: true

  # Check for updates.
  # Set to false if an error pops up or told to
  check-updates: true

  # Should we enable debug mode?
  # This is mainly used for testing and debugging.
  # Note: Debug mode isn't always set to the console and can also message the player when enabled.
  debug-mode: false

# What alias should the main command(/bcr) have?
Alias command:

- rank