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Advanced Ore Gen

A simple way of changing the default cobblestone generator


  • The whole configuration is made using the GUI
  • No config.yml needed
  • Multiple generator presets for different permissions or levels
  • Support for sub ids, so all block types are supported
  • Works with most Skyblock plugins: ASkyBlock, AcidIsland, uSkyBlock, IslandWorld, SkyblockEarth and Bentobox.


Choose a SkyBlock plugin

Before getting started, you need to have one of these plugins installed on your server:

  • ASkyBlock (by tastybento)
  • AcidIsland (by tastybento)
  • uSkyBlock (by R4zorax)
  • IslandWorld (by Gnacik)
  • BentoBox (by Poslovitch and tastybento, required the Level Addon)
  • SuperiorSkyblock2

Installation of the .jar file

  1. Download the plugin .jar file that can be found at the following link:
  2. Drop the .jar file in your plugin folder
  3. Restart your server

Setting up a generator

The whole configuration is made through the GUI or alternatively by using commands.

Understanding the generator mechanics

The plugin allows you to customize different generator presets for certain permission, thus, for instance, you're able to create a default generator generating cobblestone and a vip generator creating cobblestone and gold:

Generator #1 was set up with the permission oregen.default and Generator #2 with, therefor you need to provide the respective permission to your players.

Assuming the island owner has the permission and mines at a cobblestone generator, then the player will get the last configuration preset for which the player has permission for. That means the plugin basically iterates from left to the right and checks if the player has permission and stops at the last generator the player has permission for.

Moreover, the plugin chooses the generator by the island owner's permission, not by the player that is mining.

When clicking the repeater (4), the plugin will turn into level mode. Level mode means that the corresponding generator is choosen by the corresponding island level of the owner.

Creating new generator presets

You can add new generators and it's permission by typing the following exemplary commands, or by selecting the wooden button item in the main GUI(3).

/oregen generator add default oregen.default
/oregen generator add vip

where default and vip are the name of the generator preset and oregen.default and the permission.

After that, you may edit both generators by typing this command:

/oregen edit

Now the GUI where you can choose the generator which you want to edit appears. (See last image).

Another GUI will pop up if you select a generator where you can put the blocks you want to be generated:

The emerald indicates the current percentage, which should always be at 100.0, otherwise the plugin wouldn't work correctly.

Let's say we want this generator to create 50% cobblestone and 50% iron ore, we need to proceed the following steps:

  1. select a cobblestone block and an iron ore block from your inventory (Add it before editing).
  2. click on each block in order to change the percentage; an anvil will be opened, put 50 in it
  3. voila, your percentage should now be at 100.0.

Now you're ready to use the generator and you should now be able proceeding the same steps for the VIP generator!


AFK feature

Since version 1.3.2, AdvancedOreGen includes a nice anti afk feature that allows you to give players who are mining AFK another generator. AFK means, that the player doesn't change his position during mining. You can enable this by uncommenting the following lines in your config.yml:

#afk-generator-name: afk
#afk-after-x-seconds: 1200

By default, the player is handled as AFK after 20 minutes. Keep in mind that you need to set up an AFK - Generator, which should have the afk-generator-name, the permission is inconsequential.

Offline owner support

AdvancedOreGen caches the player permissions for keeping the same cobblestone generator after an owner of an island leaves the server. You can see an example here:



The plugin uses the PlaceholderAPI and registers three different identifiers that display the current specifiations from a player's generator.

Name Placeholder Description
Generator name %oregen_generator.label% Displays the generator name
Unlock island level %oregen_generator.level% Displays the island level needed to unlock this generator
Unlock permission %oregen_generator.permission% Displays the permission needed to unlock this generator

Reference: Current generator config of a player


There're some commands for managing and editing different generators, but as already said, you can purely use the GUI!

Command Permission Description
/oregen edit advancedoregen.admin main GUI, lets you add new generators and edit other generators
/oregen edit name> advancedoregen.admin directly edits a generator
/oregen generator add [level] advancedoregen.admin adds a new generator
/oregen generator remove advancedoregen.admin removes a generator
/oregen generator set [island level] advancedoregen.admin modifies an existing generator
/oregen setmode [permission/islandlevel] advancedoregen.admin sets the criteria for choosing a generator regarding the permission of the island leader, or the island level. Default: permission