@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Features
* Different generator presets based on permission nodes and/or island levels
-* Compatibile with BentoBox, ASkyBlock, AcidIsland, uSkyBlock, SuperiorSkyblock2, and IslandWorld
+* Compatibile with BentoBox, ASkyBlock, AcidIsland, uSkyBlock, SuperiorSkyblock2, IslandWorld, FabledSkyblock, and PlotSquared
* Configurable spawning rate of any block
* Item Sub IDs are supported
* Open Source: [Source](https://github.com/mastercake10/CustomOreGen)
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# Installation
#### Choose a SkyBlock plugin
-In order to run CustomOreGen, a SkyBlock plugin needs to be installed and running using Spigot 1.7-1.14.
+In order to run CustomOreGen, one of the following plugins need to be installed and running using Spigot 1.7-1.14.
* BentoBox (by Tastybento)
* ASkyBlock (by Tastybento)
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ In order to run CustomOreGen, a SkyBlock plugin needs to be installed and runnin
* uSkyBlock (by R4zorax)
* Island World (by Gnacik)
* SuperiorSkyblock2 (by Oma_R)
+* FabledSkyBlock (by Songoda)
+* PlotSquared (by IntellectualSites)
**BentoBox Users** The BentoBox Level Addon is required in order to run CustomOreGen
@@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ In order to run CustomOreGen, a SkyBlock plugin needs to be installed and runnin
* When creating generators, each category should be named "generator1", "generator2", and so on.
-* 1.13 users: Make sure to use Bukkit material (block) names when putting blocks in a generator category. A list of the Bukkit material names can be found [here](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html).
+* 1.13/1.14 users: Make sure to use Bukkit material (block) names when putting blocks in a generator category. A list of the Bukkit material names can be found [here](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html).
* A generator category must include a 100.0% spawnrate. For example, in the screenshot below, STONE has a 50.0% of being produced, SANDSTONE has a 40.0% chance of being produced, and IRON_ORE has a 10.0% chance of being produced, equaling the 100.0% required (50.0% + 40.0% + 10.0% = 100.0%).