@@ -25,3 +25,197 @@ The GUI is the most important module of DropEdit. It contains all configurations
| Block Drops | Stone | Allows you modifying the item and experience drop of all blocks |
| Fishing Drops | Fishing Rod | Allows you modifying the item and experience drop from fishing |
+## Mob Drops
+The mob drop gui covers all entities found in vanilla minecraft. Using the arrow in the bottom left corner will turn the page.
+After selecting a mob, the option gui will appear.
+## Block Drops
+Unlike the mob drop gui, you need to place a block you want to edit in the empty slot.
+After clicking on the green glass pane, the option gui will pop up.
+*Remember — DropEdit2 supports data values for mc < 1.13, thus you need paying attention to the data values!*
+## Fishing Drops
+Similar to mob drops.
+## Option GUI
+Each drop type contains an option GUI that has several items for customizing drops:
+| Option | Item in GUI | Mob Drops | Block Drops | Fishing Drops |
+| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| Set drops | Written book | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| Edit mode | Redstone repeater | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| Flags | Paper | Yes | Yes | No |
+| Vanilla drops | Redstone | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| Experience | Exp bottle | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+## Setting Drops
+Select a mob, block or fishing for editing drops.
+### Edit modes
+There are two different modes for setting the drop chances of an item drop. The classic mode for the lazy ones, and a precise mode that allows you to set very low dropping chances. This mode can be changed using the redstone repeater in any option GUI.
+#### Classic Mode (default)
+Using the classic mode, DropEdit2 would choose a random item depending on the presence of items in the 53 slots inventory. So each slot theoretically has a dropping chance of 1:53, so in order to create a 1:2 drop chance, for instance, you would need to fill a half of the inventory with an item.
+#### Precise Mode
+As stated above, the precise mode is very accurately. Thus you need to set a percentage for every item you put in. This can be done by right-clicking any item in the inventory, and typing the desired percentage in decimal using an anvil GUI.
+*Your overall percentage should equal 100.0 for best results.*
+## Flags
+There are different toggleable flags for mob drops and block drops, which are explained below.
+### Mob Drop Flags
+You can disable or enable certain spawning flags when clicking on the "paper" item. An enabled flag means that the configured drops will drop when a mob dies when previously spawned by the respective spawn reason. To give an example: If you want to prevent players from farming rare item by standing next to a mob farm that spawns monsters by spawners, just disable the flag SPAWNER.
+### Block Drop Flags
+Analogous to the mob drops, block drops also support flags, but for other events. In this case, there are three events which are toggleable:
+| Flag Name | Description |
+| -------- | -------- |
+| GAMEMODE_SURVIVAL, GAMEMODE_CREATIVE | defines whether or not custom drops should drop when breaking a block in the given mode |
+| DROP_ONLY_NATURAL | enabling this option will prevent players from obtaining configured drops twice after replacing a block. |
+### Vanilla Drops
+It is possible to disable vanilla drops by clicking on the stick in the options menu, so the mob would not drop vanilla items but only custom items.
+### Experience Drops
+When clicking on the experience bottle, an anvil will open in which you can type in the desired exp amount. Setting the experience to -1 would cause the plugin to use the vanilla experience calculations.
+# Misc
+## Multipliers
+All drops can be multiplied by a factor x using the permission node on the right site. The factor x should be greater than 1 and can vary from player to player or group to group.
+permission: dropedit.multiplier.x
+example: dropedit.multiplier.2
+## Localization
+Inside the config.yml, you can set your preffered language.
+You can also edit the language file en.yml, or just create a new one if your language is missing.
+# available languages: EN, DE, RU
+language: EN
+ name: Put items in!
+ name2: Select option for %s!
+ name3: Select mob!
+ name4: Toggle flags for %s!
+ name5: Select drops to configure
+ name6: Put a block in!
+ itemEditMobDrops:
+ name: '&aEdit mob drops'
+ itemEditBlockDrops:
+ name: '&aEdit block drops'
+ itemEditFishDrops:
+ name: '&aEdit fish drops'
+ itemBlockDropsPutIn:
+ name: '&ePut a block in the empty slot!'
+ itemBlockDropsContinue:
+ name: '&aEdit this block'
+ itemChangeExperience:
+ name: '&aChange the dropping experience'
+ lore:
+ - setting it to -1 will use vanillas
+ - experience calculation
+ itemSetDrops:
+ name: '&aSet custom drops'
+ lore:
+ - Click here to
+ - customize custom drops!
+ itemVanillaDrops:
+ name: '&aToggle vanilla drops'
+ lore:
+ - 'Current: %s'
+ - ''
+ - 'ON: Adds vanilla drops to custom drops'
+ - 'OFF: Only custom drops'
+ - 'Default: ON'
+ itemSpawnreason:
+ name: '&aToggle flags'
+ lore:
+ - Click here to enable/disable
+ - certain flags
+ itemEditMob:
+ name: '&c%s'
+ lore:
+ - Click to edit this mob!
+ itemChangeMode:
+ name: '&aChange editing mode'
+ lore:
+ - 'Current: %s'
+ - ''
+ - '&l&eclassic mode:'
+ - easy to setup, less precise
+ - '&l&eprecise mode:'
+ - more precise (%), but less comfortable
+ - 'Default: classic mode'
+ itemPreciseModeInfo:
+ name: '&cTotal chance:'
+ lore:
+ - '&a%s'
+ - '&eThis value should be at 100.0'
+ - '&eto get the best result!'
+ - ''
+ - '&cright click an item to change'
+ - '&cits chance!'
+ savedDrops: '&cSaved drops for %s'
+ turnedOffVanillaDrops: '&cTurned off vanilla drops!'
+ turnedOnVanillaDrops: '&cTurned on vanilla drops!'
+ turnedOffSpawnerDrops: '&cTurned off custom drops for mobs from spawner!'
+ turnedOnSpawnerDrops: '&cTurned on custom drops for mobs from spawner!'
+ turnedOnPreciseMode: '&cTurned on precise mode!'
+ turnedOffPreciseMode: '&cTurned off precise mode!'
+ noPermission: '&cYou dont have permissions to use this command!'
+ wrongItem: '&cPlease put a block in the empty slot!'
+ guiNotReady: '&cGUI not ready, please wait...'