@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ A yellow shulker box expands the custom drop inventory by 27 slots. DropEdit wil
### Conditional Data Filter (Mob drops only)
This item can contain a specific filter string. When added to one of the container types listed above, it will only drop the contents of the container when the filter string is contained within the entity's data string. For example, you may want pillagers to drop a diamond sword, but only if they're pillager captains, meaning they're having banners on their head.

In order to accomplish this, you can run the vanilla command `/data get entity @e[type=minecraft:pillager,limit=1]` for getting an idea which part of the string data differs from the default villager. In this example, you can easily see that a captain pillager got a `white_banner` inside the `ArmorItems` category: