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mastercake10 6 years ago
1 changed files with 109 additions and 0 deletions
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+ 109 - 0

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+<!-- TITLE: Advanced Ore Gen -->
+<!-- SUBTITLE: A simple way to change the ore generator! -->
+# Features
+* nice looking GUI / Inventory
+* no config.yml needed
+* multiple generators presets for different permission
+* support for sub ids
+* works with ASkyBlock, AcidIsland, uSkyBlock and IslandWorld.
+# Installation
+There are some steps needed before AdvancedOreGen can be used.
+### pre requirements
+Before getting started, you need to have at least one of these plugins installed on your server:
+* ASkyBlock (by tastybento)
+* AcidIsland (by teastybento)
+* uSkyBlock (by R4zorax)
+* IslandWorld
+* SkyblockEarth
+### final installation
+1. download the plugin .jar file that can be found at the following link:
+2. drop the .jar file in your plugin folder
+3. restart your server
+# Getting Started & Configuration
+The whole configuration is made through the GUI and by using certain commands.
+### general generator behavior
+The plugin allows you to customize different generator presets for certain permission, thus, for instance, you're able to create a default generator generating cobblestone and a vip generator creating cobblestone and gold:
+Generator #1 was set up with the permission `oregen.default` and Generator #2 with ``, therefor you need to provide the respective permission to your players.
+Assuming the island owner has the permission `` and farms at a cobblestone generator, then the player would get the last configuration preset for which the player has permission.
+That means the plugin basically iterates from left to right and checks if the player has permission and stops at the last generator.
+Moreover, the plugin chooses the generator by the island owner's permission, not by the player that is mining.
+### creating new generator presets
+You can add new generators and it's permission by typing the following exemplary commands:
+/oregen generator add default oregen.default
+/oregen generator add vip
+where `default` and `vip` are the name of the generator preset and `oregen.default` and `` the permission.
+After that, you may edit both generators by typing this command:
+/oregen edit
+Now the GUI where you can choose the generator which you want to edit appears:
+Another GUI would pop up if you select a generator where you can put the blocks you want to be generated:
+The gold nugget indicates the current percentage, which should always be at 100.0, otherwise the plugin wouldn't work correctly.
+Let's say we want this generator to create 50% cobblestone and 50% iron ore, we need to proceed the following steps:
+1. select a cobblestone block and an iron ore block from your inventory (Add it before editing).
+2. click on each block in order to change the percentage; a sign will be opened, put 50 in it
+3. voila, your percentage should now be at 100.0.
+Now you're ready to go and you are now able to customize the vip generator!
+### AFK feature
+Since version 1.3.2, AdvancedOreGen includes a nice anti afk feature that allows you to give players who are mining AFK another generator.
+AFK means, that the player doesn't change his position during mining.
+You can enable this by uncommenting the following lines in your config.yml:
+#afk-generator-name: afk
+#afk-after-x-seconds: 1200
+By default, the player is handled as AFK after 20 minutes. Keep in mind that you need to set up an AFK - Generator, which should have the afk-generator-name, the permission is inconsequential.
+# Commands
+There're some commands for managing and editing different generators.
+**Basic commands:**
+`/oregen edit` - opens the GUI where you can choose the generator to edit
+`/oregen edit <name>` - direct edits a generator (skips the selection GUI)
+**Generator editing commands:**
+`/oregen generator add <name> <permission>` - adds a new generatore preset with a defined permission
+`/oregen generator remove <name>` - removed a generator preset