123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 |
- give_money_every_second: 600
- afk_payout: false
- #You can add more payouts by copy and paste them. Don't forget to change the numbers!
- store-money-in-bank: false
- #Set choose-payout-by-chance to true in order to choose the payouts by chances. Replace the "permission" to "chance", e.g. chance: 20.
- choose-payout-by-chance: false
- payouts:
- 1:
- payout_amount: 50
- max_payout_per_day: 1000
- #chance: 10
- permission:
- 2:
- payout_amount: 100
- max_payout_per_day: 10000
- commands:
- - /give %player% diamond 1
- #chance: 90
- permission: tim.vip
- message: "&aYou earned &c%money% &afor 10 minutes online time!"
- message_payoutlimit_reached: "&cYou have reached the payout limit today. You earned 0$"
- message_afk: "&cYou havn't earned money because you were afk!"
- message_actionbar: "&aYou earned &c%money% &afor 10 minutes online time!"
- message_payoutlimit_reached_actionbar: "&cYou have reached the payout limit today. You got 0$"
- message_afk_actionbar: "&cYou havn't earned money because you were afk!"
- display-messages-in-chat: true
- display-messages-in-actionbar: true
- display-messages-in-actionbar-time: 10
- #ATM -> Place down a sign with [atm] on the first line to use it!
- message_atm_noperms: "&cYou don't have the permission to use ATM's!"
- message_atm_nomoneyinbank: "&cYou don't have enough money in bank!"
- message_atm_nomoney: "&cYou don't have enough money!"
- atm_title: "&cATM"
- atm_withdraw: "&cWithdraw"
- atm_deposit: "&cDeposit"
- atm_balance: "&cBank balance:"
- auto-update: true
- debug-log: false
- configuration-version: 12