@@ -1,17 +1,54 @@
name: TimeIsMoney
name: TimeIsMoney
-depends: [Vault]
-soft-depends: [Essentials]
-author: Linus122
-main: de.Linus122.TimeIsMoney.Main
description: Gives money for online time
description: Gives money for online time
+author: Linus122
+website: "https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/time-is-money.12409/"
+main: de.Linus122.TimeIsMoney.Main
+depend: [Vault]
+softdepend: [Essentials]
- timeismoney:
- description: Reloads the Config
- aliases: tim
- usage: /<command>
- permission: tim.reload
- atm:
- description: Opens the atm for other player
- usage: /<command>
- permission: tim.admin
+ timeismoney:
+ description: Reloads the config
+ aliases: tim
+ usage: /<command>
+ permission: tim.reload
+ atm:
+ description: Opens the atm
+ usage: /<command>
+ permission: tim.use
+ tim.*:
+ description: Allows you to use all of the TimeIsMoney commands and features
+ children:
+ tim.reload: true
+ tim.admin: true
+ tim.use: true
+ tim.afkbypass: true
+ tim.atm.*: true
+ tim.reload:
+ description: Allows you to reload the config
+ default: op
+ tim.admin:
+ description: Allows you to open the atm of another player
+ default: op
+ tim.use:
+ description: Allows you to open the atm
+ default: op
+ tim.afkbypass:
+ description: Allows you to get paid while afk
+ default: op
+ tim.atm.*:
+ description: Allows you to create and use atm signs
+ default: op
+ children:
+ tim.atm.place: true
+ tim.atm.use: true
+ tim.atm.place:
+ description: Allows you to create atm signs
+ default: op
+ tim.atm.use:
+ description: Allows you to use atm signs
+ default: op