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Correct some spelling mistakes

George Padolsey 7 lat temu

+ 2 - 2

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ display-messages-in-actionbar-time: 10
 give_money_every_second: 600
 store-money-in-bank: false
-# Define if multiple accounts should get payed with the same ip-address. You may disable this if your players are using multiple acconts per ip. 
+# Define if multiple accounts should get payed with the same ip-address. You may disable this if your players are using multiple accounts per ip.
 allow-multiple-accounts: true
 # Payouts will be delivered by "chance" instead "permission".
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ message_afk: "&cYou havn't earned money because you were afk!"
 message_multiple_ips: "&cYou havn't earned money because you're playing with multiple accounts!"
 message_actionbar: "&aYou earned &c%money% &afor 10 minutes online time!"
 message_payoutlimit_reached_actionbar: "&cYou have reached the payout limit today. You got 0$"
-message_afk_actionbar: "&cYou havn't earned money because you were afk!"
+message_afk_actionbar: "&cYou haven't earned money because you were afk!"
 message_atm_noperms: "&cYou don't have the permission to use ATM's!"
 message_atm_nomoneyinbank: "&cYou don't have enough money in bank!"
 message_atm_nomoney: "&cYou don't have enough money!"

+ 1 - 1

@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ public class ATM implements Listener, CommandExecutor {
                             sign.setLine(0, CC("&cATM"));
-                            e.getPlayer().sendMessage(CC("&2ATM created! (You can also write something in the Lins 2-4)"));
+                            e.getPlayer().sendMessage(CC("&2ATM created! (You can also write something in the Lines 2-4)"));