@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
+import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender;
@@ -121,7 +122,10 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
+ * Just a method that sorts out stupid configuration mistakes made by kids who always give 1-star-reviews on Spigot.
+ */
public void loadConfig() throws IOException {
File cfg = new File("plugins/CustomOreGen/config.yml");
@@ -142,25 +146,45 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
generatorConfigs = new ArrayList<GeneratorConfig>();
for(String key : this.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("generators").getKeys(false)){
+ double totalChance = 0d;
GeneratorConfig gc = new GeneratorConfig();
gc.permission = this.getConfig().getString("generators." + key + ".permission");
gc.unlock_islandLevel = this.getConfig().getInt("generators." + key + ".unlock_islandLevel");
+ if(gc.permission == null){
+ System.out.println("[CustomOreGen] Config error: generator " + key + " does not have a valid permission entry");
+ }
+ if(gc.unlock_islandLevel > 0 && gc.permission.length() > 1){
+ System.out.println("[CustomOreGen] Config error: generator " + key + " has both a permission and level setup! Be sure to choose one of them!");
+ }
for(String raw : this.getConfig().getStringList("generators." + key + ".blocks")){
String material = raw.split(":")[0];
+ if(Material.getMaterial(material.toUpperCase()) == null){
+ System.out.println("[CustomOreGen] Config error: generator " + key + " has an unrecognized material: " + material);
+ }
double percent = Double.parseDouble(raw.split(":")[1]);
+ totalChance += percent;
gc.itemList.add(new GeneratorItem(material, (byte) 0, percent));
String material = raw.split("!")[0];
+ if(Material.getMaterial(material.toUpperCase()) == null){
+ System.out.println("[CustomOreGen] Config error: generator " + key + " has an unrecognized material: " + material);
+ }
double percent = Double.parseDouble(raw.split(":")[1]);
+ totalChance += percent;
int damage = Integer.parseInt(raw.split("!")[1].split(":")[0]);
gc.itemList.add(new GeneratorItem(material, (byte) damage, percent));
}catch(Exception e){
+ System.out.println("[CustomOreGen] Config error: general configuration error. Please check you config.yml");
+ if(totalChance != 100.0){
+ System.out.println("[CustomOreGen] Config error: generator " + key + " does not have a total chance of 100%! Chance: " + totalChance);
+ }