#95 Old single use Safari Nets become reusable

2 هفته پیش باز شده توسط alex_5678 · 0 دیدگاه

Players on my server have some old safari nets with different settings from older versions of the plugin. Unfortunately they still work and instead of disppearing, the players receive reusable safari nets although the nets are single use nets.

I would exprect the nets not to work or a config option to set if they should disappear. They should definately not become multi use safari nets.

Players on my server have some old safari nets with different settings from older versions of the plugin. Unfortunately they still work and instead of disppearing, the players receive reusable safari nets although the nets are single use nets. I would exprect the nets not to work or a config option to set if they should disappear. They should definately not become multi use safari nets.
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