#68 using mob catcher on baby chicken break the mob catcher (maybe all the baby)

нээсэн 3 жил өмнө by iseitan · 1 саналууд
iseitan санал үлдээсэн 3 жил өмнө

Just use a mob catcher on a baby chicken in version 1.18.1 with latest safarinet and see it will break it by naming the chicken by the name of the mobcatcher, and once you capture it again it wont be dropable again

Just use a mob catcher on a baby chicken in version 1.18.1 with latest safarinet and see it will break it by naming the chicken by the name of the mobcatcher, and once you capture it again it wont be dropable again
iseitan санал үлдээсэн 3 жил өмнө
Зурагт хуудас

Also SNEAKING breaks it too the same way

Also SNEAKING breaks it too the same way
MasterCake энэ асуудлыг 3 жил өмнө коммитоос иш татсан болно
Энэ хэлэлцүүлгэнд нэгдэхийн тулт та нэвтэрнэ үү.
Үе шат заахгүй
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