#67 Concole Error Spam

нээсэн 3 жил өмнө by Blzd · 0 саналууд
Blzd санал үлдээсэн 3 жил өмнө

I bought this plugin due to UltimateCatcher crashing my server and now this plugin is doing the same thing throwing heaps of warnings and errors in console everytime somone uses an egg.


I bought this plugin due to UltimateCatcher crashing my server and now this plugin is doing the same thing throwing heaps of warnings and errors in console everytime somone uses an egg. https://pastebin.com/yB08x8aj
MasterCake энэ асуудлыг 3 жил өмнө коммитоос иш татсан болно
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Үе шат заахгүй
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