#53 High usage in timings

3 سال پیش باز شده توسط ATree · 1 دیدگاه

I have reported this issue on the forums but i'll leave you the timings here so you can take a better look https://timings.aikar.co/?id=ad95c0fadf6448af9d584b3ec35eb5f3#plugins I think this is too much for only 1 player alone in the server, not doing trying to catch or release a mob, just killing mobs randomly.

You can also take a look here at the profiler https://spark.lucko.me/#pY9btpdzXN

I also reported this one, but this happens when more players are online https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/upload_2020-11-1_16-10-2-png.566118/

I have reported this issue on the forums but i'll leave you the timings here so you can take a better look https://timings.aikar.co/?id=ad95c0fadf6448af9d584b3ec35eb5f3#plugins I think this is too much for only 1 player alone in the server, not doing trying to catch or release a mob, just killing mobs randomly. You can also take a look here at the profiler https://spark.lucko.me/#pY9btpdzXN I also reported this one, but this happens when more players are online https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/upload_2020-11-1_16-10-2-png.566118/
MasterCake نظر 2 سال پیش

Should be fixed in newer SN versions, please reopen otherwise.

Should be fixed in newer SN versions, please reopen otherwise.
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