#5 &f Is not supported in names/lore

opened 5 years ago by Scorpion · 2 comments
Scorpion commented 5 years ago

&f breaks eggs

&f breaks eggs
MasterCake commented 5 years ago

Seems to be fixed with 9278fca89d using this config:

# grief prevention support, blocks releasing and capturing of any mob in claims if set to true.
block-release-and-capture-on-claims: false
# defines whether the player can catch mobs in protected regions or not.
can-catch-mobs-in-protected-regions: false
# defines whether the player can release mobs in protected regions or not.
can-release-mobs-in-protected-regions: false
# defines wether to use the PlotSquared integration or not.
can-release-and-capture-on-plots: false
# Item with this displayname would turn in a safarinet. Nice to use in Essentials-kit.
enabled: false
single-use-display: "&cSingleuse"
reusable-display: "&cReusable"
# Blacklisted mob types that can't be caught
# Debug mode
debug: false
# Mobs can not be caught in this worlds
- exampleworld
# Blacklisted mobs by display name can not be caught (case insensitive)
- "dinnerbone"
can-catch-tamed-mobs: true
disable-mythicmobs: true
play_sound_on_capture: true
volume: 1.00
pitch: 1.00
play_sound_on_spawn: true
volume: 1.00
pitch: 1.00
# Activate this to only allow certain mobs for player. Example permission: safarinet.catch.pig AND safarinet.release.pig
per-mob-permissions: false
use-permission-for-crafting: false
display-name: "&eSafariNet (Single-Use)"
lore: "對著生物右鍵 捕捉/釋放%可隨身攜帶該生物"
enabled: true
line1: "aaa"
line2: "aba"
line3: "aaa"
- "a:STRING"
display-name: "&f生物收納器&7 (無限使用)"
lore: "對著生物右鍵 捕捉/釋放%可隨身攜帶該生物"
enabled: true
line1: "aaa"
line2: "aba"
line3: "aaa"
- "a:STRING"
# ability to change lore of filled safarinet -> %s is the entity's name, the second %s custon name of the entity
- "&c%s"
- "&a%s"
# catch chances. This sections is designed to set a certain chance, whether to success or fail on catch.
# chance goes from 0.0 to 1.0
# Multiple entity can be added.
# remove the '#' if you want to use this section!
# chance: 0.5
# remove-egg-on-fail: true
# remove-entity-on-fail: true
# chance: 0.1
# remove-egg-on-fail: true
# remove-entity-on-fail: false
# messages
#Configurable messages brought to you by Scorpion(scorpionvssub)
#Messages now support new lines via \n
config_reloaded: "Config reloaded!"
no_perms: "&cYou don't have permission to use this!"
no_perms_cmd: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
no_perms2: "&cYou don't have permission to use this here!"
cant_release: "&cYou can't release that!"
cant_catch: "&cYou can't catch that!"
safarinet_broken: "&cThis SafariNet is broken."
cant_catch_zhorse: "&cSorry, but you can't catch ZHorses!"
cant_catch_mypet: "&cSorry, but you can't catch MyPets!"
cant_catch_tamed: "&cYou can't catch tamed animals!"
catch-failed: "&cYou failed to catch {0}!"
syntax: "&cSyntax error: /safarinet give (player) (singleuse/reusable) [amount]"
invalid-eggs: '&cInvalid eggs found. Valid: (singleuse/reusable)'
#{0} = amount {1} = egg type {2} = player name
egg-given: '&aGiven {0} {1} eggs to {2}'
reloaded: '&aSuccessfully reloaded the configuration file!'
no-number: '&cMust be a valid number!'
not-online: '&cThis player is not online.'
recipe-syntax: '&c/safarinet recipe (singleuse/reusable)'
egg-broken: '&cThis egg appears to be broken :('
blocked-world: '&cThis world does not allow mobs/animals to be captured.'
#This is the help file.
#Its list based e.x:
#- '/sn give....'
#- 'To capture an egg right click a mob while holding it.'
- '&a/sn reload &c- Reloads the plugin'
- '&a/sn recipe &c- Shows recipe''s for eggs(if loaded)'
- '&a/sn give (player) (egg) [amount] &c- Give a player an egg'
Seems to be fixed with 9278fca89d using this config: ```yml # grief prevention support, blocks releasing and capturing of any mob in claims if set to true. block-release-and-capture-on-claims: false # defines whether the player can catch mobs in protected regions or not. can-catch-mobs-in-protected-regions: false # defines whether the player can release mobs in protected regions or not. can-release-mobs-in-protected-regions: false # defines wether to use the PlotSquared integration or not. can-release-and-capture-on-plots: false # Item with this displayname would turn in a safarinet. Nice to use in Essentials-kit. pseudo-item: enabled: false single-use-display: "&cSingleuse" reusable-display: "&cReusable" # Blacklisted mob types that can't be caught blacklist: - PLAYER - ENDERDRAGON # Debug mode debug: false # Mobs can not be caught in this worlds disabled-worlds: - exampleworld # Blacklisted mobs by display name can not be caught (case insensitive) blacklist-by-name: - "dinnerbone" can-catch-tamed-mobs: true disable-mythicmobs: true play_sound_on_capture: true sound_on_capture: sound: SLIME_WALK volume: 1.00 pitch: 1.00 play_sound_on_spawn: true sound_on_spawn: sound: SLIME_WALK volume: 1.00 pitch: 1.00 # Activate this to only allow certain mobs for player. Example permission: safarinet.catch.pig AND safarinet.release.pig per-mob-permissions: false use-permission-for-crafting: false single-use: display-name: "&eSafariNet (Single-Use)" lore: "對著生物右鍵 捕捉/釋放%可隨身攜帶該生物" recipe: enabled: true line1: "aaa" line2: "aba" line3: "aaa" ingredients: - "a:STRING" - "b:ENDER_PEARL" reusable: display-name: "&f生物收納器&7 (無限使用)" lore: "對著生物右鍵 捕捉/釋放%可隨身攜帶該生物" recipe: enabled: true line1: "aaa" line2: "aba" line3: "aaa" ingredients: - "a:STRING" - "b:EYE_OF_ENDER" # ability to change lore of filled safarinet -> %s is the entity's name, the second %s custon name of the entity lore_filled_safarinet: - "&c%s" - "&a%s" # catch chances. This sections is designed to set a certain chance, whether to success or fail on catch. # chance goes from 0.0 to 1.0 # Multiple entity can be added. # remove the '#' if you want to use this section! #catch-chances: # CREEPER: # chance: 0.5 # remove-egg-on-fail: true # remove-entity-on-fail: true # SKELETON: # chance: 0.1 # remove-egg-on-fail: true # remove-entity-on-fail: false # messages messages: #Configurable messages brought to you by Scorpion(scorpionvssub) #Messages now support new lines via \n config_reloaded: "Config reloaded!" no_perms: "&cYou don't have permission to use this!" no_perms_cmd: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command!" no_perms2: "&cYou don't have permission to use this here!" cant_release: "&cYou can't release that!" cant_catch: "&cYou can't catch that!" safarinet_broken: "&cThis SafariNet is broken." cant_catch_zhorse: "&cSorry, but you can't catch ZHorses!" cant_catch_mypet: "&cSorry, but you can't catch MyPets!" cant_catch_tamed: "&cYou can't catch tamed animals!" catch-failed: "&cYou failed to catch {0}!" syntax: "&cSyntax error: /safarinet give (player) (singleuse/reusable) [amount]" invalid-eggs: '&cInvalid eggs found. Valid: (singleuse/reusable)' #{0} = amount {1} = egg type {2} = player name egg-given: '&aGiven {0} {1} eggs to {2}' reloaded: '&aSuccessfully reloaded the configuration file!' no-number: '&cMust be a valid number!' not-online: '&cThis player is not online.' recipe-syntax: '&c/safarinet recipe (singleuse/reusable)' egg-broken: '&cThis egg appears to be broken :(' blocked-world: '&cThis world does not allow mobs/animals to be captured.' #This is the help file. #Its list based e.x: #Help: #- '/sn give....' #- 'To capture an egg right click a mob while holding it.' Help: - '&a/sn reload &c- Reloads the plugin' - '&a/sn recipe &c- Shows recipe''s for eggs(if loaded)' - '&a/sn give (player) (egg) [amount] &c- Give a player an egg' ```
Scorpion commented 5 years ago

That only captures doesnt release

That only captures doesnt release
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