#41 SafariNets don't respect BentoBox island claims

vor 4 Jahren geöffnet von nolky · 2 Kommentare
nolky kommentierte vor 4 Jahren

Users are able to use SafariNets on another user's island even if they're not trusted, this is a huge hazard.

Users are able to use SafariNets on another user's island even if they're not trusted, this is a huge hazard.
BartyRealms kommentierte vor 4 Jahren

SafariNet compatability with BentoBox (BSkyblock in particular for us) is essential and hopefully it is added very soon.

SafariNet compatability with BentoBox (BSkyblock in particular for us) is essential and hopefully it is added very soon.
MasterCake kommentierte vor 3 Jahren

fixed in the latest release. Thanks for reporting.

fixed in the latest release. Thanks for reporting.
MasterCake hat vor 3 Jahren geschlossen
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