#3 diorite, andesite, and granite cant be added

Créé il y a 5 ans par Kbryst · 0 commentaires
Kbryst a commenté il y a 5 ans

Paper spigot 1.13.2 AdvancedOreGen 1.6.8

Just bought the plugin and trying to set up the default generator. I wanted to put andesite, diorite, and granite in there but they are turning to stone. When I close the editor out and reopen it, the stone it changed to is now gone.

Paper spigot 1.13.2 AdvancedOreGen 1.6.8 Just bought the plugin and trying to set up the default generator. I wanted to put andesite, diorite, and granite in there but they are turning to stone. When I close the editor out and reopen it, the stone it changed to is now gone.
MasterCake a référencé ce problème à partir d'un commit il y a 4 ans
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