Default Tier Configuration
Scorpion hat diese Seite bearbeitet vor 3 Jahren
#Welcome to the tier system of BCRanks.
#A lot of time went into creating this and is available as of v2.0.0
#Below are 2 ranks explained.

#For questions on how to set it up, please refer to the wiki and the guide below before asking :)

#First: Include Settings: and Tiers:  this will mark the starting point of your tier list.

# Now think of a name for your tier group, i.e: Tier1
    #The name will also act as the permission(i.e: bcranks.tiers.Tier1)

# Add a material name(capital) as a display item.
      Icon: NAME_TAG

# Now include a Display-Name: (can be anything)
# and specify a slot in which the item should be displayed.
# You can also change the lore!
      Display-Name: '&4Tier 1'
      Display-Slot: 10
        - '&9==========='
        - '&3Ranks: %ranks%'
        - '&9==========='


# After you done this we can start creating the rank.
# All messages are color supported!

        #Name of the first rank in Tier1
          Rank-Requirements: permission;bcranks.custom.perm;$hasPermission;&2You have
            permission via placeholder!;&4You are not allowed to own this
          #The requirements for this rank.
          #The following options are currently available:
          # permission(requires a custom permission)
          # none(Can be obtained if all other requirements are met)
          # rank(Requires a <tier>;<rank> to be owned by the player.

          # Full explanation can be found on the wiki on all of this.
          #In short:
          # Permission:
          # Permission requires a permission;<permission> to work, the word permission to specify this is a permission rank and the <permission>
          # match the given permission with the player
          # Setup example:
          # permission;bcranks.rankperm.tier1rank;$hasPermission;&2You need permission &7bcranks.rankperm.tier1rank to unlock this;Good luck

          # Rank:
          # Ranks requires a tier input and a rank input.
          # The player must own the rank located in the given tier in order to obtain the rank.(if all other requirements are met ofcourse)
          # Setup example:
          # rank;Tier1;AnEarlierTierRank;&3You require a rank called AnEarlierTierRank;Tier location: Tier1
          # In the above example, a player would need to own "AnEarlierTierRank" located under Tier1 in order to get the rank that requirement is set to.

          # None:
          # none means there are no specific requirements other than any in the Requirements section(more on this later)
          # they only need to obtain the given statistics input by the server owner.(unlike permission and rank)
          Hide-No-Rank-Requirement: true
          Hide-No-Rank-Icon: 'BARRIER'
          Hide-No-Rank-Message: '&4Complete previous sections to unlock!'
          # Hide no rank requirement.
          # When true will hide the requirements for this rank till they have the requirement met.
          # This only counts for Rank-Requirements.
          # If its set to none it will not take place.

          #Icon to display in the gui
          Icon: FEATHER
          Display-Name: '&4First Tier Rank'
          Slot: -1

          Use-Prefix: true
          Chat-Prefix: '&3First' #Requires Placeholderapi(bcranks.prefix)

          Eco-type: 'none'
          Eco-amount: 0
          # This lets you specify the type of economy this rank has.
          # Valid options: none, money, gems, points. (More to come)
          # When set to none, nothing is taken from the player.
          # When set to money, gems or points, the amount under (Eco-amount) will be the amount the player will be losing upon obtaining.
          # For money, you need vault and another activation plugin(i.e cmi/essentials etc)
          # For gems, you need to buy BCGems
          # For points you need the free plugin "playerpoints"
          # You could essentially albeit not the main objective of the plugin, create an item store.

          # Here you can create the essential "lore" or display the requiremens.
          # Incorrectly filled in  sections(i.e: mmco instead of mcmmo) will return normally.
          # Use ; instead of : for seperations.

          # Again, more info can be found on the wiki.

          #Example setup:
          # - 'mcmmo;woodcutting;5;you have level 5 woodcutting;You need level %s woodcutting, currently: %current%'
            - '&2You can also use this section for regular display sections'
            - '&7Such as a lore message/reward lore?'
            - ''
            - 'player;food;4;&7[&a✔&7] Food level %s reached;&7[&4✘&7] Reach food level
            %s. Current: %current%'
            - 'mcmmo;woodcutting;5;&7[&a✔&7] Woodcutting level %s reached;&7[&4✘&7]
            Reach Woodcutting %s. Current: %current%'
            - 'mcmmo;mining;2;&7[&a✔&7] Mining level %s reached;&7[&4✘&7] Reach Mining
            level %s. Current: %current%'
            - 'advancement;minecraft:story/mine_stone;&7[&a✔&7] Advancement unlocked!.;&7[&4✘&7]
              Obtain some cobblestone.'

          # Commands
          # commands are fired when a rank its assigned to is picked and approved(player can obtain it)
          # Every command can be fired aslong as the console can use it.
          # There are a few variables:
          # [player] to fire it as a player
          # %name% = player name
          # %tier% = The tier the player obtained the rank in
          # %rank% = The rank the player obtained
            - ''