@@ -10,4 +10,47 @@
1. Download the SafariNet plugin [here](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/safarinet-capture-mobs-using-pok%C3%A9balls.9732/).
2. Place the SafariNet.jar file into your server's plugin folder.
-3. Restart your server (Using the /Reload command is not recommended!)
+3. Restart your server (Using the /Reload command is not recommended!)
+# Permissions
+* safarinet.craft.singleuse - Allows crafting of singleuse eggs
+* safarinet.craft.reusable - Allows crafting of reusable eggs
+#Safarinet has multiple permissions to control who can catch what mobs.
+* safarinet.use - Permission used to allow both release and capturing of mobs.
+* safarinet.release.(mob) - Permission to release.(mob).
+* safarinet.capture.(mob) - Permission to capture.(mob).
+Safarinet holds 2 more permissions safarinet.releasemob.use and safarinet.capturemob.use.
+These 2 permissions can be used instead of safarinet.use to allow everyone to release mobs while allowing only a donator rank(or other) to capture them.
+# Settings
+* Similar to permissions there are settings to regulate permissions too.
+* To allow everyone to craft eggs regardless of permission set: **use-permission-for-crafting: true** to false.(Default false)
+* per-mob-permissions(Default false) regelates wether permission is required to capture that mob. Setting this to true means you need safarinet.catch.sheep to catch a sheep while keeping/setting it false means those with permission to capture/release(see above) to do so regardless of the mob in question.
+* To disable a world from egg usages simply add your worlds name to
+- your world.
+* Same goes for mobs and names of mobs under "blacklist" and "blacklist-by-name" respectivly.
+* We've spend extra time making sure every message important to the user is configurable.
+* This saves us making language files while giving you the option to translate them to your own language.
+# Crafting
+* In the default config a section is dedicated to every egg type(singleuse/reusable).
+* In this section you can alter what recipes(if the egg is enabled) are required to make the respective eggs.
+* Since we support 1.8 through 1.14(latest) not all names may work.
+* Older versions(1.8-1.12.2) depending on the plugin version they use, may need LEGACY_ to make that item work.
+* 1.13-1.14.x support every block/item for their version as they are.
+# Commands
+* Main command: /safarinet
+* alias: /sn
+* Sub command:
+- reload *Reloads the configurations and recipes.*
+- recipe (singleuse/reusable) *Shows the layout and items required to craft that egg*
+- give (player) (singleuse/reusable) [amount] *Gives 1 or multiple (egg type) to the (player). **Note: Eggs disabled won't work.**