plugin.yml 1.3 KB

  1. name: TimeIsMoney
  2. version:
  3. description: Gives money for online time
  4. author: Linus122
  5. website: "https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/time-is-money.12409/"
  6. main: Main
  7. depend: [Vault]
  8. softdepend: [Essentials]
  9. commands:
  10. timeismoney:
  11. description: Reloads the config
  12. aliases: tim
  13. usage: /<command>
  14. permission: tim.reload
  15. atm:
  16. description: Opens the atm
  17. usage: /<command>
  18. permission: tim.use
  19. permissions:
  20. tim.*:
  21. description: Allows you to use all of the TimeIsMoney commands and features
  22. children:
  23. tim.reload: true
  24. tim.admin: true
  25. tim.use: true
  26. tim.afkbypass: true
  27. tim.atm.*: true
  28. tim.reload:
  29. description: Allows you to reload the config
  30. default: op
  31. tim.admin:
  32. description: Allows you to open the atm of another player
  33. default: op
  34. tim.use:
  35. description: Allows you to open the atm
  36. default: op
  37. tim.afkbypass:
  38. description: Allows you to get paid while afk
  39. default: op
  40. tim.atm.*:
  41. description: Allows you to create and use atm signs
  42. default: op
  43. children:
  44. tim.atm.place: true
  45. tim.atm.use: true
  46. tim.atm.place:
  47. description: Allows you to create atm signs
  48. default: op
  49. tim.atm.use:
  50. description: Allows you to use atm signs
  51. default: op