messages: # telegram messages general-message-to-mc: "&c[Telegram]&r %s: %s" join-message: "`%s joined the game.`" quit-message: "`%s left the game.`" death-message: "`%s`" advancement-message: "`%s obtained advancement %s! GG!`" need-to-link: "Sorry, please link your account with */linktelegram ingame* to use the chat!" can-see-but-not-chat: "You can see the chat but you can't chat at the moment. Type */linktelegram ingame* to chat!" success-linked: "Success! Linked %s" setup-msg: "Congratulations, your bot is working! Have fun with this Plugin. Feel free to donate via *PayPal* to keep this project up to date! [PayPal Donation URL](" # minecraft message: general-message-to-telegram: "%s: %s" no-permissions: "&cYou don't have permissions to use this!" cant-link-console: "&cSorry, but you can't link the console currently." need-to-add-bot-first: "&cPlease add a bot to your server first! /telegram" get-token: "&aAdd %s to Telegram and send this message to %s: \n%s" enable-joinquitmessages: true enable-deathmessages: true enable-chatmessages: true enable-advancement: true # this will describe all types of advancements you want to be send on your telegram chat, be careful with 'recipes' type which can spam advancement-types: "adventure,husbandry,story,nether,end" # this will prevent mass-sending unsent messages from telegram to mc upon server startup omit-messages-sent-while-server-was-offline: true # this will prevent sending message each time a non-registered person is speaking omit-messages-need-to-link: false # this will send a silent message to avoid triggering a sound each time a message is sent turn-to-silent-notification: false