package xyz.spaceio.customoregen; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.UUID; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager; import; import; import de.Linus122.SpaceIOMetrics.Metrics; import xyz.spaceio.configutils.ConfigHandler; import xyz.spaceio.configutils.JSONConfig; import xyz.spaceio.hooks.HookInfo; import xyz.spaceio.hooks.HookVanilla; import xyz.spaceio.hooks.SkyblockAPICached; import xyz.spaceio.hooks.SkyblockAPIHook; import xyz.spaceio.misc.NamePlaceholder; public class CustomOreGen extends JavaPlugin { /* * Configurations for all generators (defined in the config.yml) */ private List generatorConfigs = new ArrayList(); /* * Disabled worlds blacklist */ private List disabledWorlds = new ArrayList(); /* * Our logger */ private ConsoleCommandSender clogger; /* * Cache for GeneratorConfig ID's for each player */ private HashMap cachedOregenConfigs = new HashMap(); private JSONConfig cachedOregenJsonConfig; /* * API Hook for the corresponding SkyBlock plugin */ private SkyblockAPIHook skyblockAPI; /* * API Hook but cached */ private SkyblockAPICached skyblockAPICached; /* * Object that handles the loading process of the config.yml file */ private ConfigHandler configHandler = new ConfigHandler(this, "plugins/CustomOreGen/config.yml");; /* * Prefix for the clogger */ private final String PREFIX = "§6[CustomOreGen] "; /* * Main event class */ private Events events; @Override public void onEnable() { clogger = getServer().getConsoleSender(); PluginManager pm = Bukkit.getPluginManager(); this.loadHook(); Bukkit.getPluginCommand("customoregen").setExecutor(new Cmd(this)); // load the config.yml try { configHandler.loadConfig(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } events = new Events(this); pm.registerEvents(events, this); // some persisting saving stuff cachedOregenJsonConfig = new JSONConfig(new TypeToken>() { }.getType(), cachedOregenConfigs, this); cachedOregenConfigs = (HashMap) cachedOregenJsonConfig.getObject(); if (cachedOregenConfigs == null) { cachedOregenConfigs = new HashMap(); } disabledWorlds = getConfig().getStringList("disabled-worlds"); // registering place holders if(Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("PlaceholderAPI") != null) { new NamePlaceholder(this).register(); } new Metrics(this); } @Override public void onDisable() { cachedOregenJsonConfig.saveToDisk(); } /** * Acquires the corresponding skyblock hook class */ private void loadHook() { skyblockAPI = getHook(); skyblockAPICached = new SkyblockAPICached(skyblockAPI); } public SkyblockAPIHook getHook() { Throwable loadException = null; SkyblockAPIHook skyblockAPI = null; for(HookInfo hookInfo : HookInfo.values()) { String pluginName ="Legacy", ""); if(Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled(pluginName)) { sendConsole(String.format("&aUsing %s as SkyBlock-Plugin, hook class: %s", pluginName, hookInfo.getHookClass().getName())); try { for (Constructor constructor : hookInfo.getHookClass().getDeclaredConstructors()) { if(constructor.getParameterCount() > 0) { skyblockAPI = (SkyblockAPIHook) constructor.newInstance(this); } else { skyblockAPI = (SkyblockAPIHook) constructor.newInstance(); } } }catch(NoClassDefFoundError | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { loadException = e; continue; } break; } } if(skyblockAPI == null) { if(loadException != null) loadException.printStackTrace(); sendConsole("§cYou are not using any supported skyblock plugin! Will use the vanilla range check hook instead."); skyblockAPI = new HookVanilla(); } return skyblockAPI; } /** * @return all active skyblock worlds */ public List getActiveWorlds() { return -> Bukkit.getWorld(v)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Returns the current island level based on the skyblock world and player. * * @param uuid UUID of the player to check * @param world the world of the island to check the level * @return player's island level */ public int getLevel(UUID uuid, String world) { return this.getSkyblockAPICached().getIslandLevel(uuid, world); } /** * Gathers the owner of an island at a certain location * * @param loc Location to check * @return owner */ public OfflinePlayer getApplicablePlayer(Location loc) { if (this.getSkyblockAPICached().getIslandOwner(loc) == null) { return null; } Optional uuid = this.getSkyblockAPICached().getIslandOwner(loc); if (!uuid.isPresent()) { return null; } OfflinePlayer p = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(uuid.get()); return p; } /** * Gets the skyblock hook name in use * * @return The name of the hook class */ public String getHookName() { return this.skyblockAPI.getClass().getName(); } public void reload() throws IOException { reloadConfig(); configHandler.loadConfig(); events.load(); } /** * Acquires a generator config that applies for the given player, * The result depends on the permission or island level of the player. * * @param offlinePlayer the offline player (Usually created using the UUID) * @param world the skyblock world * @return the generator config */ public GeneratorConfig getGeneratorConfigForPlayer(OfflinePlayer offlinePlayer, String world) { GeneratorConfig gc = null; int id = 0; if (offlinePlayer == null) { gc = generatorConfigs.get(0); cacheOreGen(offlinePlayer.getUniqueId(), id); } else { int islandLevel = getLevel(offlinePlayer.getUniqueId(), world); if (offlinePlayer.isOnline()) { Player realP = offlinePlayer.getPlayer(); if (this.getActiveWorlds().contains(realP.getWorld())) { for (GeneratorConfig gc2 : generatorConfigs) { if (gc2 == null) { continue; } if ((realP.hasPermission(gc2.permission) || gc2.permission.length() == 0) && islandLevel >= gc2.unlock_islandLevel) { // continue gc = gc2; id++; } } } } else { gc = getCachedGeneratorConfig(offlinePlayer.getUniqueId()); } } if (id > 0) { cacheOreGen(offlinePlayer.getUniqueId(), id - 1); } // fail over if there wasn't found any applicable generator but still no permission and level 0 if (gc == null && generatorConfigs.get(0) != null && (generatorConfigs.get(0).permission == ";" || generatorConfigs.get(0).permission == "" || generatorConfigs.get(0).permission.length() == 0) && generatorConfigs.get(0).unlock_islandLevel == 0) { gc = generatorConfigs.get(0); } return gc; } /** * Returns all worlds in which the plugin is disabled in (configurable inside the config.yml) * * @return A list of world names as string */ public List getDisabledWorlds() { return disabledWorlds; } /** * Returns a cached generator config. Useful when an island owner left the server, but a player is still mining at a generator. * * @param uuid the owners UUID * @return the generator config */ public GeneratorConfig getCachedGeneratorConfig(UUID uuid) { if (cachedOregenConfigs.containsKey(uuid)) { return generatorConfigs.get(cachedOregenConfigs.get(uuid)); } return null; } /** * Writes an existing ore generator config to the cache * * @param uuid UUID of the owner * @param configID the ID of the generator config */ public void cacheOreGen(UUID uuid, int configID) { cachedOregenConfigs.put(uuid, configID); } /** * Sends a formatted messages to the console, colors supported * * @param msg A string using either & or § for colors */ public void sendConsole(String msg) { clogger.sendMessage(PREFIX + msg.replace("&", "§")); } public List getGeneratorConfigs() { return generatorConfigs; } public void setGeneratorConfigs(List generatorConfigs) { this.generatorConfigs = generatorConfigs; } /** * @return the skyblockAPICached */ public SkyblockAPICached getSkyblockAPICached() { return skyblockAPICached; } }